Variety Selection Tool


Variety Selection Tool allows you to tailor your own output, taking into consideration your agronomic and management requirements. Use the variety characteristic report to familiarize yourself with overall yield performance, variety disease resistance and general agronomic attributes. Use the Yield Comparison Report to select your own check variety to compare directly to a new or commonly grown variety at locations of your choice. Or use the Multi-Year Yield Summary Report to focus on a group of varieties tested together within a specific time span at the locations of your choice. Crop types currently on Seed Variety Tool include spring wheat, winter wheat, barley, oats, flax, peas, soybeans and sunflowers (oil & confectionary) In the future, crop types to be added include fall rye, fababeans, lentils, and field beans.

Variety Selection Tool was created to improve Manitoba’s grain producers’ competitive ability by providing them an online decision tool to help make variety choices for their farms. Crop producers make choices about the varieties they grow based, in part, upon crop variety evaluation trials. Many such trials are conducted across the crop growing regions of Manitoba every year by the Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Team (MCVET). This performance data, along with variety characteristic information, is summarized in “SEED MANITOBA”. The Guide provides long term yield data as compared to a single check variety, as well as annual yield comparisons at various locations.

Variety Selection Tool is a collaborative effort between the Manitoba Seed Growers' Association Inc., Glacier FarmMedia, and Manitoba Agriculture.
